Bwitt 4KW Pūnaha Inverter Solar 50A 12/24/36V/48V Mahi Aunoa Kaiwhakahaere Utu Solar i runga i te matiti hiko hiko hurihanga
1.Heat sink Aluminum heat sink to dissipate controller Heat
2.Mounting hole Keyhole slot for mounting
3.Setting Switches Four setting switches to configure operation of the MPPT controller
4.Solar Positive Terminal Power connection for Solar(+) Solar Negative Terminal Power connection for solar(-)
5.Battery Positive Terminal Power connection for battery(+) Battery Negative Terminal Power connection for battery(-)
6.DC Load output
7.LCD screen Indicate the operating status
8.LED indicators LED indicators show charging status and controller faults
9.Wiring Box cover Sheet metal wiring box cover protect power connections
10.RS-485/232Port Terminal for RS-485/232 communication
11.Ethernet Port Terminal for Ethernet communication
12.Battery temperature Sensor Terminal for battery temperature detect and provide compensation
Nga tono
1. Teihana waea/turanga/ Taputapu Tauera
2. Teihana Whakawhitiwhiti.
3. Pokapū raraunga rorohiko
4. Nga Whatunga SCADA me nga Taputapu Raraunga
5. Waea / turanga pūtau
6. Nga Teihana Reo Irirangi/ Pae Waea
7. Te rūma pokapū aro turuki
8.Taone WIFI taputapu
9. waka korero ohorere
10. Rerewei & metro
11. Nga Pūnaha Antenna Toha
12. Moana & takutai moana
13. Nga punaha whakahaere whare
14. Pūnaha Whakaoho Ahi
15. taputapu hiko Whakahaere Pūnaha / mara
16. whare hiko/teihana
17.Pūnaha aroturuki hiko
18.Pūnaha hiko solar
19.Pūnaha pūngao hau
1.12V/24V Auto work, parallel design
2.Multi-stage charging optimizes battery performance
3.MPPT efficiency >99.5%, Peak conversion efficiency 97.5% Wide range Solar PV voltage input 18V~100Vdc
4.Compatible with Gel. AGM.Flooded. Sealed lead acid and Lithium battery Multi-function LCD+LED display, 5.System information intuitively Comprehensive protection
6.Excellent heatsink cooling design, quiet operation Comfortable installation and commissioning
7.Plastic Casing, Economic design to save system cost
If you have some problems about Bwitt 4KW Solar System Inverter 50A 12/24/36V/48V Auto work Solar Charge Controller on off grid electric power inverter, kei te hiahia ranei ki te mohio atu ki nga korero mo te Rack mount Telecom Inverter,Pūnaha Whakatika Waea,Home Pure Sine Wave Inverter,Solar MPPT INVERTER,Kaitahuri DC ki DC, etc. Nau mai ki te whakapā mai!
Kei te titiro whakamua ki to patai !