BWT220/220-10AS -100AS Pūnaha whakatika ac dc mana hiko
Modular rectifier System is a modular Extra-able power system based on building blocks for both 19 inch system solutions.
It is consist of Rectifier module & Control Monitor & 19’’framework. This rectifier system 90~290 Vac Single phase AC supply voltages into stable nominal 220VDC voltage adjustable to the needs of the application. All versions provide options for alarming and battery temperature probes.
- Te whānuitanga whakahaere o te ngaohiko whakauru AC: 90~290Vac
- ucurrent/voltage switching tech with high efficiency≥95%
- uPerfect whakahaere pākahiko, pāmahana pūhiko
- u Tauranga korero maha, easy for networking and remote ModbusRS485 、TCP/IP 、YDN23 (YD/T 1363) kawa
- uKapeneheihana, Te tiaki LVLD me te LVBD,
- uMahinga whakamatautau pākahiko aunoa, whakamātautau huringa, whakamātautau tere
- uTautoko te punaha hiko &moe kōwae, te whakakotahitanga pai, whakaora pūngao
- uTautoko i te wa-tuturu te kitenga o te mana whakahaere o te punaha hiko
- uTautoko whakaoho te kitenga me te tuku purongo
- uHot-swap taea
- uWhakauru i runga/i raro i te tiaki ngaohiko
- uWhakaputa i runga i te tiaki ngaohiko
- uWhakaputa i runga i te whakamarumaru o naianei
- uWhakaputa ara iahiko poto
- uTe tiritahi aunoa, mahi whakarara