Pure Sine Ware High Frequency inverter 220V DC Ki 220V AC 2KVA/1.6KW Parallel Power Inverter
Tirohia etahi atu pikitia

The Pure sine inverter can provide stable and Pure sine (AC) mana; Provides an optional output voltage and frequency source for the where needs of sensitive equipment that must be operated in a commercial location.

  • 220V DC To 220V AC 2KVA

Taipitopito Hua
Uiui Inaianei

Pure Sine Ware High Frequency inverter 220V DC Ki 220V AC 2KVA/1.6KW Parallel Power Inverter

Parallel inverter power supply

BWT-DT2000 inverter whakarara i hangaia ki te tono mo te pono me te utu-utu & te mana haumaru teitei. Ka whakamahia ki tonu (hiko) Hangarau hurihanga motuhake ki te huri i te naianei tika ki te naianei tauutuutu sinusoidal parakore (AC),He ngawari te whakauru ki roto i te rūnanga.
The Pure sine inverter can provide stable and Pure sine (AC) mana; Provides an optional output voltage and frequency source for the where needs of sensitive equipment that must be operated in a commercial location.

BWT-DT2000 series parallel inverter power supply design is perfect, allowing to cut off DC in the state of start, automatically switch to power bypass, do not affect the load of power supply, convenient to battery maintenance and replacement;

Nga ahuatanga hangarau

◆ Whakaotia momo wehe hangarau Inverter, ka puta te naianei tauutuutu hiko parakore (AC).

◆ Ko te waeine inverter te whakamahi i te SPWM auau teitei teitei me te hangarau rearua auau unipolar, rōrahi iti me te ngaru parakore.

◆ Te kaha ki te utaina, ka taea te tautoko i te tiimata o te kawenga katoa, me te whakawhiti whakawhiti, Ka taea te huri te taumaha ki te karo i te tuku hiko

◆ Kei a ia nga mahi whakamarumaru o te ngaohiko nui-whakauru, raro-ngaohiko, whakaputanga ngaohiko teitei, raro-ngaohiko, te werawera, iahiko poto, etc.

◆ Ko te papa o mua he whirihoranga me te mata aroturuki, a ka taea te tirotiro i nga korero mana


Case show:

Tukuna mai to korero ki a matou:
Kōrerorero ki a kristin
kua 1902 karere

  • Karaitiana 10:12 AM, I tenei ra
    Tena koa kua tae mai to korero, a ko tenei te whakahoki a kristin ki a koe